Amazon is reducing its plastic use in other countries. Why not here in the U.S.?

Plastic is flooding our oceans, and Amazon, the world’s largest online retailer, isn’t doing enough to stop it.

staff | TPIN

Plastic is flooding our oceans, and Amazon, the world’s largest online retailer, isn’t doing enough to stop it. In 2022, Amazon created 208 million pounds of plastic packaging in the United States alone — an almost 10% increase from the year before — even as it reduced its plastic use in other countries.

The link between plastic pollution and the threat to wildlife and vulnerable ecosystems is clear, but Amazon continues to use plastic packaging that will harm wildlife and pollute our planet for centuries to come.

Amazon’s plastic packaging is contributing to our ocean pollution problem

As you read this email, Amazon packages will be delivered to homes across America. Many of those packages will be wrapped in single-use plastic packaging.

But the life of Amazon’s plastic packaging only begins at your door.

Whether you try to recycle it or you throw it away, some of that plastic will eventually end up in our oceans, where it can kill whales, sea turtles, seabirds and more.

In fact, studies have found plastic fragments in every single sea turtle species, and just one piece of plastic can be a death sentence. And because plastic doesn’t biodegrade, floating pieces of it will harm wildlife for generations to come.

No animal should have to die because of a piece of single-use plastic packaging. That’s why we’re calling on Amazon to reduce its plastic waste.

We need to call on Amazon to reduce its use of plastic and save wildlife

Amazon is reducing its plastic packaging elsewhere in the world, including by switching to paper alternatives — but not here in the U.S. In Europe, for example, Amazon has replaced its plastic delivery sleeves with paper and cardboard. So why are packages being delivered to homes across the U.S. wrapped in plastic? There’s no excuse.

As the world’s largest online retailer, Amazon can and should do more to become part of the solution to plastic pollution.

The good news is that together, we can convince Amazon to take action. We know it’s possible because we’ve helped persuade Amazon to take meaningful steps to reduce plastic pollution in the past. It’s time we do it again.

Tell Amazon to phase out plastic packaging in the U.S. too.

Tell Amazon: Phase out plastic packaging

Tell Amazon: Phase out plastic packaging

When it comes to addressing plastic pollution, Amazon is not doing enough. In 2022, the retail giant actually increased plastic waste from packaging in the U.S.

