Take action: Help stop cruel lion and elephant hunts
The ProTECT Act will restore a ban on importing hides and other trophies harvested from lions, elephants, and other endangered animals killed in Africa.
Lions and elephants shouldn’t be slaughtered for trophies.
The wildlife of the African savannah are some of the most magnificent animals on Earth — and some of the most threatened.
Elephant and lion populations are falling fast. In part, that’s because American hunters travel around the globe to their habitat to slaughter them and take trophies home.
But luckily, there’s something we can do right now, right here at home, to save African wildlife from trophy hunting.
The ProTECT Act will restore a ban on importing hides and other trophies harvested from lions, elephants, and other threatened animals killed in Africa.
The number of wild lions has declined by about 10,000 animals — nearly a third of the population — in the last 20 years. By one estimate, these magnificent cats could be extinct by 2050.
And there are fewer than half as many wild African savannah elephants than there were just 50 years ago. Recent declines are just the latest chapter in a century-long history of poaching that has brought elephant numbers down from 10 million to less than 500,000.
These animals deserve to survive and thrive, not be hunted for sport. Since 80% of trophy hunters worldwide are Americans, U.S. importation of wildlife trophies is a huge part of the problem.
Allowing people to kill animals this special is unconscionable. Trophy hunting needs to come to an end.
Extinction is forever.
If we can’t halt the decline of elephant and lion populations, someday soon these animals will be nothing but memories.
Our children and grandchildren should inherit a planet where they can marvel at the majesty of a lion or the strength of an elephant in their natural habitats — not just learn about these animals in historical documentaries.
Together, we can build a future where all kinds of wildlife are safe to recover and thrive.
The ProTECT Act will restore a ban on importing hides and other trophies harvested from lions, elephants, and other endangered animals killed in Africa.
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