Add your name: No taxpayer dollars for killing wolves
Add your name: Wolves should be protected, not gunned down for profit.
As if 389 dead gray wolves in Idaho this past year alone wasn't enough, now Idaho's Wolf Depredation Control Board has started approving funding for a bounty-hunting program that will kill even more.
As if 389 dead gray wolves in Idaho this past year alone wasn’t enough…
Now, Idaho’s Wolf Depredation Control Board has started approving funding for a bounty-hunting program that will kill even more.
Taxpayer dollars shouldn’t be used to slaughter wildlife.
Idaho is home to just over 1,000 wolves — but the state’s government is determined to hunt down and slaughter almost all of them.
To make matters worse, Idaho’s Wolf Depredation Control Board will now pay private contractors to kill more wolves — and it’s considering doling out even more money for these bounties.
Where will the funding come from? Idaho’s taxpayers. Can you imagine your tax dollars going to kill wolves?
Our pack of wolf defenders won’t rest until wolves everywhere can roam wild and free from state-sponsored slaughter. Will you add your name to help us protect wolves across Idaho and beyond?
Because of you, tens of thousands of wolf-lovers across the country have already spoken out in the face of radically expanded hunting and trapping. But if we don’t continue to demand an end to the wolf slaughter, the brutal hunts will continue.
Together, we can keep wolves from being hunted to the brink of extinction again.
Tell the Idaho Wolf Control Board: It’s time to end the wolf slaughter.
Add your name: Wolves should be protected, not gunned down for profit.
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