Tell your U.S. senators: Pass the Plastic Pellet Free Waters Act
Wildlife that eat too much plastic starve to death with full stomachs. No animal deserves to die this way.
Our oceans are flooding with tiny plastic particles -- and wild animals are paying the price.
Our oceans are flooding with tiny plastic particles — and wild animals are paying the price.
Pellets called “nurdles” are the building blocks of most plastic products, but vast numbers of them are spilled or dumped into the environment every year. To a fish, bird, or turtle they look just like food, but eating too many nurdles is a deadly mistake.
Wildlife that eat too much plastic starve to death with full stomachs. No animal deserves to die this way.
This bill will prevent companies from dumping nurdles into our waterways. We need to tell our U.S. senators to support the Plastic Pellet Free Waters Act today.
Nurdles are small, cheap, and plastics manufacturers deal with huge volumes of them to produce their products. That means tons of nurdles get washed down the drain, discarded during plastics production, or accidentally spilled during transport.
Overall, an estimated 10 trillion plastic nurdles are expected to pollute marine ecosystems each year.
There’s currently very little in the way of regulations to prevent companies from dumping plastic pellets into the environment, or for holding them accountable after the fact. Nurdles aren’t legally classified as “pollutants,” even though they definitely pollute our waters and pose a deadly risk to wildlife.
But the Plastic Pellet Free Waters Act will change that.
It’s just common sense: Companies shouldn’t be allowed to dump piles of plastic into our environment.
The Plastic Pellet Free Waters Act is the solution we need. It would require the Environmental Protection Agency to prohibit facilities that make, use, package or transport nurdles from releasing them into our waterways.
No wild animal should have to die because human beings spilled or dumped plastic nurdles into our oceans.
Send a message in support of the Plastic Pellet Free Waters Act today.
Wildlife that eat too much plastic starve to death with full stomachs. No animal deserves to die this way.
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