We can protect monarch butterflies from extinction

As the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service decides whether to give monarchs the critical protections they need, these butterflies need your voice to help save them.

Jessica Bolser/USFWS | Public Domain

Imagine a world with just one monarch butterfly left.

Toward the end of her life, she’d take her final flight, and when her light leaves her, we’d lose her entire vibrant species forever.

With western monarchs declining by as much as 95% in just 20 years, that world isn’t too far away. But we don’t have to go there.

Right now, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is deciding whether or not it will protect monarchs under the Endangered Species Act. We need to help make sure they do.

Pesticides and climate change threaten monarch butterflies with extinction

Monarch butterflies need milkweed. It’s the only food their caterpillars can eat, and it’s the only place where mother monarchs can lay their eggs.

But pesticide use and climate change have made hundreds of millions of milkweed stems disappear.

Without milkweed, monarch caterpillars go hungry and weak into their first flight.

The Endangered Species Act can change that.

Endangered Species Act protections will help save the monarchs

Endangered species protections would help curb dangerous use of milkweed-killing pesticides, protect existing monarch habitat, and make sure more milkweed gets planted across monarchs’ migratory paths.

With monarchs fluttering on the brink of extinction, will you call on the Fish and Wildlife Service to save them? Add your name: Monarchs need endangered species protections today.

Scientists say the beautiful thing about butterflies is that, with the right protections, they can bounce back quickly.

That means if we get monarchs the Endangered Species Act protections they need, we could see monarchs make a triumphant return in our lifetime. Generations to come will experience the magic that happens when monarchs paint their skies orange and black.

Don’t you want to see that world instead?

Join our campaign to save these beautiful butterflies. Add your name to our petition today.
