Wildlife & wild places

Tell your U.S. senators: No more wolf hunts.

gray wolf
Rain Carnation | Pixabay.com

As the government faces the possibility of a shutdown, Rep. Lauren Boebert (Colo.) and the House of Representatives successfully added a few words to a must-pass spending bill that would erase Endangered Species Act protections for gray wolves.

Even today, there are only a few thousand wolves, roaming a tiny fraction of their historic range. That precarious population is already threatened by radically expanded hunting and trapping in states like Idaho, Montana and Wyoming.

If Rep. Boebert and her allies succeed, it will mean more hunts like what we saw in Wisconsin in 2021, when one out of every five of the state’s wolves was killed in just 60 hours.

Tell your U.S. senators: No more wolf hunts.


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