Wildlife & wild places
Articles on Wildlife & wild places
Four 2024 milestones for wildlife and the natural world
We don’t need deep-sea mining
We can protect monarch butterflies from extinction
Hudson Canyon is a one-of-a kind undersea wonder
Featured Resources
What are “nurdles” doing to wildlife?
Six wolf packs that need our protection
Your toolkit for saving monarchs at home
How to protect birds from window strikes
General Mills can save wildlife by cutting plastic
A plastic wrapper that spends one week around a granola bar might go on to spend 400 years in the ocean.
Let’s urge the EPA to protect pollinators, not pesticides
Pesticides are killing wildlife like it’s 1962.
The caribou are counting on us
Irresponsible logging practices are destroying the boreal forest, devastating vital caribou habitat in exchange for lumber and other wood products.
Protect the Okefenokee from destructive mining
Below the surface of the Okefenokee, dangerous plans to mine have been brewing for years.
Help stop cruel lion and elephant hunts
Lions and elephants shouldn’t be slaughtered for trophies.