Cracking down on dirty power plants will help fight climate change

We know that we can’t fight climate change if we keep burning vast quantities of fossil fuels for electricity.

Coal power plant
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Greenhouse gases from power plants are fueling climate catastrophe.

The devastating impacts of climate change have never been clearer, and we’re only just starting to experience the tip of the iceberg.

We know that we can’t fight climate change if we keep burning vast quantities of fossil fuels for electricity. That’s why the EPA has proposed new rules that would limit the greenhouse gas pollution from power plants — and we need to show the agency that there’s broad public support.

We need clean electricity to address the climate crisis.

We simply can’t turn the tide on climate change without cleaning up how we generate electricity: Coal- and gas-fired power plants are responsible for about a quarter of the United States’ greenhouse gas pollution.

There’s no one silver bullet to address the climate crisis, but this is a bold proposal that will make a serious dent in the United States’ greenhouse gas pollution. It would keep more than 600 million metric tons of planet-warming emissions from being spewed into the air — that’s the equivalent of taking half of the cars in America off of the road.

Take action to clean up dirty power plants.

We’re up against major opposition from big fossil fuel companies and their lobbyists. The EPA is accepting public input until August 8, and we need to show the administration that the public is in favor of taking action.

Tell the EPA: Enact the strongest possible rules to fight climate change and clean up polluting power plants.
