Accidents Waiting to Happen: Coal Ash
Hundreds of coal ash pits and ponds sit near the banks of American waterways, threatening toxic spills that can cause long-term damage to the environment and public health.
Featured Resources
We don’t need deep-sea mining
What are “nurdles” doing to wildlife?
Six wolf packs that need our protection
Your toolkit for saving monarchs at home
We can all act to save monarchs in our own homes and communities by planting native milkweed. Here are answers to some of your most frequently-asked questions.
How to protect birds from window strikes
Up to one billion birds die by colliding into buildings every single year in the U.S.
Guide to planting a pollinator-friendly garden
This guide will allow your imagination to take flight as you plan and plant a garden designed to save bees, butterflies and other pollinators
Five at-risk forests
Mature and old-growth forests help conserve wildlife, purify our water and stabilize our climate
Your guide to wolf conservation in 2024
Here’s everything you need to know about the state of wolf conservation as we enter 2024.